Please click on a division below to learn more.


Administrative Services provides input into Provincial and Federal legislation, municipal by-laws, codes and standards affecting fire and rescue services. In addition, the Chief and Deputy Chief provide advice to Council on fire protection and prevention issues, as well as emergency planning.

Apparatus / Equipment

Emergency Apparatus and Equipment Services performs fleet and equipment maintenance programs, both routine and emergency including providing annual testing, mechanical worthiness, pump capacity and certification, specification development, acceptance testing and approval of new apparatus and equipment, maintaining specialized equipment, all of which must meet Ministry of Labour requirements.

Emergency Management

The Town of Amherstburg is strengthening its ability to respond to natural or man-made disasters and acts of terrorism through the development of specialized emergency teams that are trained to provide a first line of defense when such unfortunate events might occur.

Fire Supression

This department must strive to provide an adequate, effective and efficient fire suppression program designed to control and extinguish fires for the purpose of protecting people from injury, death and property loss. The range of services provided by this Division are a result of a detailed risk assessment process and coincide with the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan.

Fire Prevention

The Fire Prevention Services Division of the Amherstburg Fire Department investigates the cause and origin of fires. They work co-operatively with the municipal Windsor Police Service and the Office of the Fire Marshal. A Fire Investigator assists with legal actions by presenting evidence in court as an expert witness.


The Training Division consists of the Chief Training Officer, 2 Training Officers and a Training/Apparatus Clerk. This division is involved in almost all facets of the organization, in a cooperative effort with all other divisions to meet the goals and objectives identified in our strategic plan.